My research topicsMy research topics have become more and more diverse in time, both because of the collaborations I started and developed, and because of my personal belief, according to which an ecologist should never become a specialist who works "vertically" on a single topic. Needless to say, this is a subjective viewpoint, and it is not meant as a criticism to those who opted for the latter way of working that can be extremely interesting.In my "horizontal" attitude, however, there is a common denominator connecting apparently different activities to each other. In fact, this role is played by the application and, in some cases, the development of data analysis and modelling techniques, with special reference to those I borrowed from Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. A major contribution to the diversity of my research topics has been provided by the broad range of working experiences I had, both in fundamental and in applied research (that plays a major role in my professional and consulting activities). My main research topics are briefly presented in this page, and links to additional items, including software, are available for each of them. Software mentioned in this page is specifically relevant to a given research topic, whereas software that can be of more general use is presented in the Software page. My main reaserch topics, and in particular those for which documents and/or software are vailable, are the following (not in order of relevance and partly overlapping to each other):
Community structure: analysis and modellingPosidonia oceanicaPhytoplankton primary productionEcosystem quality assessmentAquaculture and fisheriesPermutation-based multivariate testsNeural network applications to ecology |